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Wednesday, February 12, 2025





Article 1


A non-profit association is hereby incorporated under the laws of the Hellenic Republic, with the name “Hellenic Association for Anxiety Disorders” and its registered office at the Municipality of Petroupoli, Attica. The address of the headquarters will be determined by the Board of Directors and it may be transferred at any other locale by a decision of the same body.


Article 2


The purposes of the Association are:

2.1 To inform the general public, as well as mental and physical health specialists about the clinical difficulties of anxiety problems requiring professional assistance, about the prevention and treatment of such problems and the protection of the public mental health from these problems.

2.2 To improve and update the knowledge and the techniques of the psychological science and the reliably and timely application of such knowledge and techniques, in order to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the psychological treatment of anxiety difficulties.

2.3 To inform other social sciences’ professionals about and familiarize them with the clinical difficulties of anxiety problems and with issues concerning mental health and quality of life in general.

2.4 The promotion of high-quality professional training in the psychological treatment of anxiety disorders.

2.5 The implementation of a high-level code of ethical practice and conduct in the psychological treatment of anxiety disorders.

2.6 The encouragement, guidance and undertaking of high-level qualitative and quantitative research on anxiety disorders.

2.7 The promotion and encouragement of cooperation and solidarity among the members of the association.


Article 3


3.1 The achievement of the purposes of the association is effected by way of the following means, which are indicatively mentioned:

3.2 By organizing public debates, seminars, one-day seminars, symposia, conferences and other events of a similar nature, as well as by participating in such events in Greece and abroad.

3.3 By encouraging the contact between its members, supporting them in their professional activities through the provision of information and the representation of the Association by them in national and international organizations.

3.4 By undertaking and organizing scientific research and surveys, and following the movement of ideas, scientific developments and experiences, both in Greece and globally.

3.5 By providing advisory support to public and private bodies with regard to anxiety issues, as well as to educators who work in national and European training programs.

3.6 By producing printed, audio-visual and electronic scientific information material.

3.7 By creating and maintaining a website.

3.8 By any other activity and means that the General Meeting will decide for furthering the purposes of the association.


Article 4


The members of the association can be natural or legal persons, whether Greek or foreign, who are interested in the purposes, goals and activities of the association, provided they meet the necessary requirements.

The members are divided into Scientific, Novice, Honorary and Assisting ones.

4.1 Scientific members can be mental health scientists who are Greek nationals, whether they reside in Greece or abroad, or any Greek legal persons which have been lawfully incorporated and are comprised by mental health specialists. Natural persons must hold a license to practice their profession in their scientific fields.

4.2 Novice members can be mental health professionals who do not meet all of the ordinary membership criteria. Therefore, mental health students, who have not completed their training yet or who do not hold the license to practice their profession in their area of specialization, as required by law, can become novice members of the association. Novice members can participate in the general meetings of the association, but cannot vote or be voted.

4.3 Honorary members can be distinguished Greek or foreign scientists and domestic or foreign legal persons that have substantially contributed to Psychology in general, to the advancement of innovation in anxiety disorders’ research and the improvement of quality of psychological treatment of anxiety disorders and who enjoy general recognition for these reasons in the international scientific circles of this field. Such members or their legal representatives have the right to participate in the meetings of the Association, but are not entitled to vote or be voted and they are under no financial obligation towards the Association.

4.4 Assisting members can be professionals in other theoretical or applied scientific fields or members of the wider public, who are concerned about the difficulties caused by anxiety problems and who actively protect the public mental health from the clinical problems of anxiety. Assisting members have the right to participate in the meetings of the Association but are not entitled to vote or be voted.

The novice, honorary and assisting members are registered with special registers kept by the Association.

Any legal persons, which are members of the Association, are always represented both in the general meetings and in their wider transactions with the Association by their legal representative or by a specially authorized representative, appointed in accordance with the provisions that apply to each type of legal person.


Article 5


A. The requirements for membership in the Hellenic Association for Anxiety Disorders are as follows:

5.1 Registration of scientific members: A written application of the interested party, addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied by a statement of acceptance of the articles of association, and a detailed curriculum vitae accompanied by the relevant certificates and supporting documents, satisfying the specifications described in article 4.1.

5.2 Registration of novice members: A written application of the interested party, addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied by a statement of acceptance of the articles of association, and a detailed curriculum vitae accompanied by the relevant certificates and supporting documents, satisfying the specifications described in article 4.2.

5.3 Registration of honorary members: The submission of a written application by five (5) members of the Board of Directors and a relevant resolution of the General Meeting with a majority of the members present.

5.4 Registration of assisting members: A written application of the interested party, addressed to the Board of Directors and accompanied by a statement of acceptance of the articles of association, and a detailed curriculum vitae accompanied by the relevant certificates and supporting documents satisfying the specifications described in article 4.4.

5.5 The Board of Directors passes a resolution for every new membership application during its first meeting after the submission of the application. Such a decision requires a majority of 5/7 of its members. The Board of Directors examines and considers the application in its absolute discretion, and decides if the requirements for membership are met, according to the present articles of association or in its future modification, in accordance with the modification process described below.

5.6 During its first tenure and by virtue of a resolution, taken with a majority of at least 5/7 of its members, the Board of Directors is entitled to define in greater detail the registration criteria for scientific members. Such resolution of the Board of Directors shall be temporary and subjected to the approval of the first General Meeting, which will be held after the taking of such resolution.

5.7 In case the application for the registration of a member is rejected by the Board of Directors, by virtue of its resolution, then such application may be brought again before the Board of Directors after one (1) year. In case the Board of Directors delivers yet another rejecting resolution, then the interested party, as well as any other member, is entitled to appeal to the first General Meeting after that incident, whether an Ordinary or an Extraordinary one, which shall irrevocably decide on the issue with a majority of 2/3 of its members with a right to vote. The same as aforementioned right to appeal to the General Meeting is also available to any member, with regard to any resolution of the Board of Directors accepting an application for the registration of a member, in which case the General Meeting again irrevocably decides on the issue in its discretion.

5.8 The registration of a member is completed with the payment of the registration fees as determined by the Board of Directors.

5.9 By virtue of its relevant resolution, the Board of Directors decides the membership subscription, which may be monthly, biannual or yearly and may also be different as per every category of members. The Board of Directors also decides on the extraordinary subscription fees of the members.


Article 6


6.1 Scientific members: Scientific members are entitled to participate in the General Meetings and vote on the issues of the agenda, to submit questions and raise an issue requiring a decision to be made, in which case the General Meeting is obliged to answer. Only scientific members are entitled to vote and be voted, provided they fulfill the lawful requirements and they have fulfilled their financial obligations towards the association. Moreover, they are also entitled to participate in any procedure which concerns the association and the interests of the members.

6.2 Other members: Novice, honorary and assisting members are also entitled to participate in the General Meetings and take the floor or submit recommendations, but they are not entitled to vote or raise any claim against and/or towards the General Meeting.

6.3 All members, whether scientific, novice, honorary or assisting ones enjoy every benefit and facilitation lawfully pursued by the Association. They are entitled to express opinions, to audit and criticize the actions of the management bodies and to be regularly informed on the course of the Association’s affairs. However, the Board of Directors is entitled to introduce alterations regarding the rights of the members as per category of member, by virtue of resolution approved by the General Meeting, according to the provisions of article 5.6 of the present, which shall apply accordingly.

6.4 All members, whether scientific, novice, honorary or assisting ones, are entitled to participate in Committees formed by the Board of Directors and the General Meeting that aim at enhancing the work and the purpose of the Association.

6.5 Scientific members who delay in paying their subscription fees are not entitled to vote in the General Meetings. Scientific members are entitled to vote in the General Meetings by means of a letter or through a representative. In the latter case, such representative is obliged to submit a relevant written special authorization to the General Meeting.

6.6 All the members are obliged to respect the provisions of the articles of association and the resolutions of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors.


Article 7


A scientific member is deregistered in the following cases:

7.1 When they submit a written resignation form, addressed to the Board of Directors. The members are entitled to withdraw from the Association following the submission of a relevant written request addressed to the Board of Directors, after having fulfilled their pending financial obligations. Such withdrawal shall be valid three (3) months after the date the relevant application was submitted.

7.2 In case of a relevant disciplinary sanction, in accordance with those mentioned in article 8 of the present.

7.3 Novice, honorary and assisting members are entitled to resign from the Association by virtue of their simple written statement addressed to the Board of Directors. Such withdrawal shall be valid three (3) months after the date the relevant application was submitted.


Article 8


Disciplinary sanctions are imposed on members when their behavior is inconsistent with the Association’s purposes and they do not respect the statutory principles, the resolutions of the Board of Directors or the General Meeting and its bodies in general, they obstruct the enforcement of the resolutions or their actions can be harmful for the association in general.

Such sanctions are imposed by the General Meeting, in proportion to the gravity of the action and can reach up to the deregistration of a member from the Association.

In order for a member to be deregistered, a relevant recommendation by at least three (3) members of the Association is required, addressed to its General Meeting. The General Meeting calls on the member to submit a written or an oral statement of pleading within fifteen (15) days as from the date the recommendation was submitted. Within one month as from the date the statement of pleading was submitted, the General Meeting is obliged to discuss the issue and take a decision. The decision is taken by means of a secret vote and requires the majority of 3/4 of the present members and a full justification.


Article 9


9.1 The resources of the Hellenic Association for Anxiety Disorders are composed of:

A. The registration fees of the members.

B. The ordinary subscription fees of the members.

C. The extraordinary contributions, following a resolution of the Board of Directors or the General Meeting for a specific reason.

D. The participation fees for the attendance of seminars, conferences, training programs and other regular or non regular events of the association.

E. Donations, inheritances and grants from any lawful source, as well as grants of any nature from state or private bodies and legal or natural persons.

9.2 In exceptional cases, a member is entitled to request the suspension or postponement of the payment of the subscription fees corresponding to a specific year. Such requests are submitted in writing and timely to the Treasurer of the Board of Directors and are accompanied by the reasoning for the request, as well as by a financial statement. The right to decide on the acceptance of such a request lies with the Board of Directors.

9.3 By means of a resolution of the General Meeting, the amounts of the registration and subscription fees can be increased or decreased, following a recommendation of the Board of Directors.

9.4 A member who delays in paying the subscription fees for more than twelve (12) months without the approval of the Board of Directors can lose the capacity of being a member, in accordance with article 6 of the present.


Article 10


10.1 The Bodies of the association are the following:

(a)   The General Meeting

(b)  The seven-member Board of Directors

(c)   The Audit Committee

10.2 The Committees of the association are the following:

 1.    The Ethical Practice and Psychological Treatment Committee

 2.    The Committee on Informing the Public

 3.    The Scientific Researches Committee

 4.    The Collaborations Committee

10.3 The composition of these Committees, the number of their members, as well as the more specific tasks and the duration of each of them shall be determined by virtue of a relevant resolution of the Board of Directors. The aforementioned resolution shall also appoint one of the members of each of these Committees as the Coordinator. Every member is entitled to participate in the composition of these Committees, even if such member is also a member of the Board of Directors.


Article 11


11.1 The General Meeting is the supreme and sovereign body of the association and decides on any issue not assigned to other bodies by the law or the articles of association. It also decides about issues normally fell within the purview of another body, in case such body decides the delegation of a specific issue under the competence of the General Meeting. In this case the latter shall be responsible for the issue.

11.2 The GENERAL MEETING controls, audits and supervises all the other bodies of the Association. The GENERAL MEETING is exclusively competent:

     - To judge the report of the outgoing Board of Directors.

     - To approve of the budget and the balance sheet.

     - To decide or not on the discharge of a Board of Directors from any liability.

     - To amend the articles of association.

     - To decide on the dissolution of the association.

11.3 Every three years the General Meeting elects the administrative and supervisory bodies of the Association.


Article 12


12.1 The General Meeting is ordinarily convened once per year. It approves the income and expenditure accounts and also the relevant report of the Audit Committee is read. The General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors, by means of announcement in the headquarters of the association and any other means that may, in its discretion, help members be informed.

12.1 The call for the General Meeting must take place at least ten (10) days before and specify the place, date and time of the meeting, as well as all the subjects of the agenda. The General Meetings can be attended by all the members of the Association who have fulfilled their financial obligations. The members can pay their subscription fees at the date of the General Meeting.


Article 13


13.1 The General Meeting is in quorum when 2/3 of the scientific members who have fulfilled their financial obligations are present during the first meeting. Such quorum is confirmed at the beginning of the meeting and after such confirmation the General Meeting is considered valid no matter how many members leave afterwards.  If no such quorum is achieved, a new General Meeting is convened within seven (7) days as from the first one, with the same agenda and without the requirement to send out a new call. Such repeating General Meeting is in quorum when 1/2 + 1 of the scientific members who have fulfilled their financial obligations are present.

13.2 In case there is still no quorum is such second General Meeting, then a new General Meeting can be convened after one (1) month, in which case such new meeting shall be considered as the first one.


Article 14


14.1 The decisions of the General Meeting are taken with the relative majority of the present members, apart from the cases where the law or the present articles of association provides for qualified majority. The decisions are registered with the Book of Minutes of the General Meetings.

14.2 The decisions of the General Meeting are always taken by means of a vote, which may take the form of a show of hands or a roll-call vote of the present scientific members, or by means of a secret vote, in the discretion of the General Meeting, but never by means of a voice vote.

14.3 Every vote concerning the election of any body, whether an administrative or an auditing one, returning boards, issues of trust or personal issues in general and the approval of a report, shall only be valid if carried out by means of a secret vote.

14.4 A decision on the dissolution of the association or the amendment of the articles of association shall not be valid unless taken with a majority of 3/4 of the scientific members who are present in the General Meeting, which is convened for this specific reason and which reaches a quorum if at least 1/2 of the scientific members who have fulfilled their financial obligations participate in it.

14.5 During the taking of decisions by means of a secret vote, no third parties are allowed to be present, apart from the legal advisor of the Association. For the purposes of the present paragraph, the term third parties includes scientific members, who have not fulfilled their financial obligations, as well as members without a right to vote.


Article 15


The Extraordinary General Meetings are convened in order to deal with serious issues or when this is necessary for the interests of the Association, following a resolution by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee or 1/5 of the scientific members of the Association, who have fulfilled their financial obligations, are entitled to request the convocation of the meeting, by means of a relevant application. Such application must also necessarily mention the issues of the agenda. The Board of Directors is obliged to convene the meeting within twenty (20) days as from the date the application was filed. In case the Board of Directors does not convene the General Meeting within the aforementioned deadline, the applicants are entitled to directly convene it, by virtue of a relevant authorization by the Court, in accordance with article 96 of the Greek Civil Code. The same as aforementioned procedure also applies to the convocation of the ordinary General Meeting, in case the Board of Directors does not take any action to this end.


Article 16


The scientific members of the Association elect the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. Only those who have fulfilled their financial obligations are eligible to be elected.


Article 17


17.1 Elections are conducted every three years, in order to elect the administration and the Audit Committee. The elections take place by means of a single ballot, which includes all candidates in a group for each body.

17.2 The voting system is proportional. Hence, the candidates each voter is entitled to vote for cannot exceed 60% of the number of members elected in each body.


Article 18


18.1 The exact date, place and time of the elections are determined by the Board of Directors. The conduct of the elections is taken care of by a three-member returning board, which is elected by the General Meeting.

18.2 The elections are conducted on the same day after the election of the returning board. The elections for the returning board and the Board of Directors are communicated to the scientific members by means of announcements at the headquarters of the association and –if possible– by personal notifications, whether electronic or written, which must be sent at least seven (7) days prior to the General Meeting.

18.3 Candidacies are submitted to the returning board upon its election, by means of written applications.

18.4 Candidates for the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee are listed on the same ballot, but in a different paragraph and with reference to which body they are candidates for.


Article 19


19.1 The returning board carries out the elections. The vote is secret and is conducted in accordance with the instructions of the returning board. All the scientific members who have fulfilled their financial obligations are entitled to vote for the Board of Directors.

19.2 Prior to the commencement of the vote, the returning board publically chooses the ballot box and then seals it. Following that, ordinary members vote and sign the relevant voting list after the validation of their identity, a check at the register with which they are registered and a validation that they have fulfilled their financial obligations. Scientific members are also entitled to fulfill their financial obligations on the date of the elections.

19.3 Objections are raised throughout the duration of the voting and until the results are delivered. They can be raised by both the members of the returning board and the candidates who are present, and they are immediately tried by the returning board, which issues a temporary decision.

19.4 After the end of the vote, the returning board decides on the objections, sorts out the votes, declares those who have been elected and announces the results. Those not voted for are declared as deputies.


Article 20


20.1 The association is managed by the seven-member Board of Directors, which is comprised by the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three members. The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Meeting and are always re-electable. The tenure of the Board of Directors is three (3) years.

20.2 The Board of Directors comes to a meeting ten (10) days after the elections at the latest, and the director responsible for that is the one who received the most votes. After that, it is formed into a body, according to those mentioned above, by means of a secret vote.

20.3 Such election requires the absolute majority of all the members of the Board of Directors. In case nobody wins by absolute majority, then the vote is repeated between the two that received the majority of the votes.

20.4 The first meeting of the Board of Directors is attended by the former one, which informs the new on the status of the Association, by means of a handing-over – taking-over protocol, signed by both.

20.5 At any time throughout its tenure, the Board of Directors is entitled to be re-formed as a body.


Article 21


21.1 The Board of Directors meets as a scientific body once every two (2) months, following a call by its President or by their authorization to another member of the Board of Directors. The call and the agenda of the meeting should have been sent to all the members of the Board of Directors at least 24 hours before the meeting, by any appropriate means.

21.2 It meets on an extraordinary basis, when a reason occurs or when 1/3 of its members so require, who must also mention the issues of the agenda.

21.3 The Board of Directors is in quorum when at least four (4) of its members are present, together with either the President or the Vice-President. In case there is no such quorum, the meeting is repeated in two months with the same quorum requirements.

21.4 The meetings of the Board of Directors are open, i.e. every member is entitled to attend, but without taking part is the decision-taking process. The members are entitled to deliver a speech, following the relevant permission by the President. The Board of Directors is entitled to expel those who obstruct the procedure or not allow the presence of others beyond a specific number.

21.5 The decisions of the Board of Directors are taken with the absolute majority of the members who are present, by means of an open vote, apart from personal issues, for which a secret vote is conducted without the participation of the member whom the decision concerns.

21.6 Any Director who is absent may be represented by another Director, by virtue of a written special authorization by the party represented, which must be separate for each meeting. Every Director is entitled to represent only one Director who is absent.

21.7 The members of the Board of Directors are all jointly responsible for the achievement of the purposes of the Association and their obligations, in accordance with the articles of association and the decisions of the General Meetings, unless any of them has raised their objections in a justifiable manner and such disagreement has been registered with the minutes. In any case, they are obliged to abide by the decision, unless it is subject to criminal penalties.


Article 22


22.1 The capacity of being a member of the Board of Directors ceases:

a) upon death,

b) upon resignation,

c) upon the loss of the capacity of being a member of the Association

d) in case of an unjustified absence from three (3) consecutive or five (5) non-consecutive meetings, in which case they are deregistered by virtue of a decision of the Board of Directors, during the taking of which the member under deregistration does not participate.

22.2 In case of lack of members of the Board of Directors for any of the reasons mentioned above, then the remaining members, provided they are at least five (5), decide on the substitution of the missing members by the runner-up directors and until the number of the members reaches seven. The tenure of the directors elected in this manner shall expire on the date the tenure of their predecessors would expire.

22.3 In case the remaining members are four (4), then they are obliged to convene the General Meeting, in order to conduct elections and fill the vacant positions. In case all the members or those required for the quorum are missing, then an extraordinary General Meeting is convened, in accordance with article 96 of the Greek Civil Code.


Article 23


23.1 The Board of Directors undertakes the management of the Association and decides on any issue introduced by the President or its members. It drafts the bylaws of the Board of Directors, it convenes the ordinary and the extraordinary General Meeting, it drafts its agenda, it drafts the Administrative and the Treasury Report which will be submitted to the General Meeting, it compiles the next year’s budget, it introduces issues within its purview before the General Meeting for approval and it decides on any issue, which is delegated to it by the articles of association or the General Meeting. It manages the property of the Association, it takes all the appropriate measures to address various issues, it enforces the decisions of the General Meeting and it implements the articles of association.

23.2 It also forms the committees of the Association and defines the tasks for each of them.


Article 24


24.1 The President represents the Association on a scientific, educational and administrative basis, at a national and an international level, in judicial and extra-judicial matters, before any authority and Court, as well as in the relationships between the Association and third parties. In any case, the President is bound by the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.

24.2 In special cases and by virtue of a decision by 5/7 of the members of the Board of Directors or by virtue of a decision of the General Meeting, taken with a majority of 1/2 +1 of its members, it is possible for another member of the Board of Directors to be appointed in order to represent the Association on a scientific and administrative basis, at a national and an international level, before any Authority, Court, Organization or Company, by being bound by the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.

24.3 The President convenes and chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors. They enforce the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting, they sign all the documents, together with the Secretary, including the minutes of the Board of Directors, and they sign payment orders, together with the Treasurer.

24.4 In case the President is absent or hindered, then they are substituted in their duties by the Vice-President.

24.5 More specifically, with regard to committees of Public Divisions, boards of Greek and foreign Organizations or other collective bodies of Public Administration, in which the participation of the President is provided for by law, decree, Ministerial decision or any other administrative act, then apart from the Vice-President another member of the Board of Directors or even an ordinary member of the Association is entitled to substitute the President. The appointment shall be realized by virtue of the relevant minutes of the Board of Directors, by virtue of which a general or a special authorization will be granted.


Article 25


25.1 The Secretary manages the clerical mechanism of the Association, keeps the books, the records and the stamp, drafts and keeps the minutes of the Board of Directors and, together with the President, keeps and co-signs the documents, the payment orders and the correspondence of the Association. The Secretary also drafts the agenda of all the meetings together with the President.


Article 26


26.1 The Treasurer collects the monthly subscription fees of the members and all the revenues of the Association, using duplicate receipt books. They effect all the payments, according to payment orders bearing their own signature, as well as that of the President. They are accountable and bear criminal and civil liability for every loss of money or any payment made without a relevant order. They deposit all the moneys of the Association to a financial institution and they keep in their hands an amount up to 1,000 Euros for the current needs of the Association.

26.2 Withdrawing money from the deposits is realized by the Treasurer, following a special authorization by the Board of Directors. The treasurer keeps the treasury book and the property book of the Association, updates the registers of both scientific and other members, with regard to the contributions paid by them, and keeps all the payment supporting documents in particular files.

26.3 At the beginning of each quarter, they submit to the Board of Directors a brief statement of income and expenditures concerning the previous quarter. At the end of the year, they submit the report on the administration, on the basis of which the Board of Directors compiles the balance sheet of the administration and the annual report on the previous fiscal year. During the General Meetings, they read the financial annual report and the budget, accompanied by the report of the Audit Committee.


Article 27


27.1 The Association is obliged to keep the following books:

-   Books of members, where the names of all the members (scientific, novice, assisting and honorary ones) are registered with a serial number, together with all their personal details, as well as the date of their registration and -if applicable- their deregistration.

-   The book of minutes of the meetings of the General Meetings.

-   The book of minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

-   The book of the treasury, where all the collections and the payments are registered in chronological order.

-   The book of property, where all the tangible and intangible assets of the Association are registered in detail.

-   The Association may keep other auxiliary books as well, following a relevant decision of the Board of Directors, if deemed necessary for its smooth operation.

-   The orders of payment and collection are also kept. Prior to their use, they are numbered and validated by the Audit Committee.


Article 28


28.1 The Audit Committee comprises three members and is elected during the elections for the Board of Directors, with the same procedure and for the same period of time. The member who is voted first in order is also appointed as the President of the Audit Committee.

28.2 The Audit Committee audits and oversees the financial management of the Board of Directors. It drafts an audit report within the first fifteen (15) days of January of each year, following the submission of the balance sheet and the annual report, which it submits to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting for approval. It audits the books kept and the administrative records of the Association whenever it considers it necessary. In case of administrative irregularities, it is entitled to convene the General Meeting.

28.3 Following a relevant request by the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors is obliged to convene the General Meeting within one (1) month.


Article 29


29.1 The Board of Directors elects committees out of the list of all of its members, both scientific and others, with the normal quorum and majority. The competency of the Committees is to provide advice and recommendations. Their tenure is determined by the Board of Directors.

29.2 The members of the Committees are entitled to participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors, but they are not entitled to take the floor or vote, as mentioned in article 10 of the present articles of association.


Article 30


The Association has a circular stamp, which states its name and in the middle its date of incorporation.


Article 31


Any issue not regulated by the present articles of association, shall be regulated by the Greek Civil Code, its Introductory Law and the specific laws on associations.


Article 32


The present shall enter into force as from the date it is registered with the Books of Associations of the Court of First Instance of Athens.

The present articles of association, comprising thirty two (32) articles, were drafted in accordance with the applicable legislation and were read and voted by the Founding Members on 25/2/2013.

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